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Category Archives: Wills


FAQs About Wills in New Port Richey

By Messina Law Group, P.A. |

Last wills and testaments, more commonly simply referred to as ‘wills’ are legal documents that outline your wishes after you pass away. The main purpose of a will is to allow you to specify how you would like your property distributed upon your death, but you can also use them to name a personal… Read More »

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Does a New Will Void an Old One?

By Messina Law Group, P.A. |

The only constant in life is change. Adjusting to these changes throughout your lifetime is important, and that includes updating your will. It is important to update your will after any major life event, such as a birth or divorce. You can use a codicil to change your will, or you may want to… Read More »

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Mistakes to Avoid When Drafting Your Will

By Messina Law Group, P.A. |

All adults in Florida should have a will that outlines how they would like their property distributed after they pass away. Unfortunately, drafting a will is not always as straightforward as it may seem at first. There are many common mistakes that are made, including failing to sign the will or not obtaining the… Read More »

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Should You Draft a Will or a Trust?

By Messina Law Group, P.A. |

Wills and trusts are both important aspects of many estate plans. Both of these legal documents allow you to determine how your property will be distributed after your death. There are some differences between wills and trusts, though, which can make it difficult to determine which one is right for you. Below, our Tampa… Read More »

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Legal Requirements for Wills in Florida

By Messina Law Group, P.A. |

Every state has laws that must be followed in order for last wills and testaments to be considered valid and legally binding and Florida is no different. Testators, or people who create wills, must follow these when creating or modifying their will to ensure that their last wishes are respected and upheld. Below, our… Read More »

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When Should You Review Your Will?

By Messina Law Group, P.A. |

Drafting a will is a very responsible thing to do and can ensure your last wishes are fulfilled and that your loved ones are taken care of after you pass away. Once you have created a will, you may simply leave it in a safe or another secure area and not think of it… Read More »

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