Safety Harbor Business Lawyers
Do you own a business in Safety Harbor? Owning your own company grants individuals the many benefits of entrepreneurship. However, ensuring that your business operates according to Florida’s legal regulations can be a headache for new and long-time business owners alike.
Messina Law Group proudly offers trusted business law services in Safety Harbor, Florida. Our skilled business lawyers will ensure that your company adheres to Florida’s state law, offering several benefits to you as a business owner.
Business Entity Formation in Safety Harbor
Some of the benefits new business owners gain from our law firm include business entity formation services. If you’re starting a new business, it’s important that you structure your business properly.
A business entity is how a company is organized to conduct business. Every entity is required to operate by specific rules and offers its own advantages. Common business entities include limited liability corporations (LLCs), sole proprietorships, partnerships, and corporations.
To the new business owner, it can seem complicated to select a business entity and structure your company in Safety Harbor. Messina Law Group will thoroughly explain how each entity functions and which one your business should align with, according to your vision as the owner of your company.
Business Restructuring in Safety Harbor
Restructuring your business in a time of financial burden can benefit business owners by gaining the financial advantages of a different business entity.
Our Safety Harbor business lawyers offer a range of other services for our clients, including:
- Contract drafting and negotiations
- Mergers and acquisitions
- Disposition of assets and enterprises
- Registered agent services and annual reporting
- Business litigation and disputes
- Employee disputes
Working with Messina Law Group’s team of business lawyers in Safety Harbor offers your company protection against potential litigation and legal fees. Contact us to request a consultation.