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Can Creditors Collect Information Beyond The 6 Required Pieces?

By Messina Law Group, P.A. |

In addition to the required pieces: Name Income Social Security Number Property Address Estimated Property Value Mortgage Amount Sought a creditor may collect whatever additional information they deem necessary. However, as soon as you have provided the 6 required pieces, the creditor has 3 business days to provide a Loan Estimate for approved loans.

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Do Creditors Have To Approve TRID Loans In 3 Days?

By Messina Law Group, P.A. |

If your loan is approved, on the terms you requested the creditor is required to provide a Loan Estimate within 3 business days. If they determine that your application will not or cannot be approved they do not have to provide a Loan Estimate. Likewise, if you withdraw your loan application within that period… Read More »

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What Is A ‘Business Day’ For Real Estate Loan Disclosures?

By Messina Law Group, P.A. |

“Business day” is defined slightly differently for Loan Estimates and Closing Disclosures. For Loan Estimates, each day on which a creditor’s offices are open to the public count as a business day. Loan estimates must be delivered or placed in the mail no later than the 3rd business day after receiving your loan application…. Read More »

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How Long Must Creditors Keep Real Estate Loan Records?

By Messina Law Group, P.A. |

Under the TRID rule, creditors must retain Escrow Cancellation and Partial Payment Policy disclosures for two years; Loan Estimate records for three years after loan consummation and Closing Disclosures for FIVE years. If a creditor sells or transfers their interest they must provide a copy of the Closing Disclosure to the new owner or… Read More »

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What Will The TRID Loan Estimate Tell Me?

By Messina Law Group, P.A. |

The Loan Estimate documents the essential facts and terms of an approved real estate loan. It includes: loan terms projected payments and loan costs cash and costs at closing time the services for which you CAN and CANNOT shop in relation to the loan summary information with which to compare this loan to others… Read More »

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Could My Loan Costs Exceed The Loan Estimate?

By Messina Law Group, P.A. |

Yes, within defined limits. Service charges for which YOU shop and select a provider may change; the creditor is NOT responsible for providers who are NOT on their written list. In addition, prepaid interest, property insurance premiums and escrow or reserve deposits may change without legal tolerance limits. Charges for recording services, and 3rd-party… Read More »

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What’s Refunded If My Loan Is Higher Than My Estimate?

By Messina Law Group, P.A. |

If the amount you pay at closing exceeds the amounts disclosed on the Loan Estimate – beyond tolerance limits for each category – the creditor must REFUND the excess to you no later than 60 calendar days after loan consummation. For charges subject to a 10% cumulative tolerance fees greater than 10% of the… Read More »

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Can Creditors Revise TRID Loan Estimates?

By Messina Law Group, P.A. |

Creditors are generally bound by the initial Loan Estimate. They are permitted to provide a revised Loan Estimate only under certain changed circumstances. These include circumstances that: a) increase settlement charges beyond the legal tolerance limits b) affect YOUR eligibility or change the value of the loan security. Also, c) if the interest rate… Read More »

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Can My Settlement Charges Change?

By Messina Law Group, P.A. |

Yes, if circumstances change, such as: a natural disaster damages the property or affects closing costs the title insurer providing the estimate goes out of business during underwriting new information on you or the transaction affecting settlement is discovered. If any of these events change 3rd-party charges beyond the 10% tolerance limit creditors may… Read More »

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Understanding Your Loan Estimate: Terms, Payments and Closing Costs

By Messina Law Group, P.A. |

The first page of your Loan Disclosure shows the Loan Terms Projected Payments and Costs at Closing. The Loan Amount, of course is the total you are borrowing. But the Interest Rate alone doesn’t represent all of your borrowing costs. The APR figure on Page 3 shows that. Likewise, Monthly Principal & Interest aren’t… Read More »

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